Showing 921 – 940 of 1660 results
2017 minutes council meeting 3604521
in. CARRIED 1893/2017 City of Salisbury Page 5 Council Minutes - 24 July 2017 Minutes - Council Meeting - 24 July 2017 NOM3 Christmas Carols Event - Mawson Lakes December 2017 Cr B Brug sought leave
28102024 Minutes Council Meeting
Event Calendar 2025 5.1.11 Youth Action Plan 2024-2027 Which were withdrawn to be considered separately. CARRIED 0765/2024 Administration 5.0.1 Recommendations of the Salisbury Living Sub Committee
16 05 2016 minutes resources and governance committee
and Development Events - Cr Reardon and Cr Vermeer Moved Cr L Caruso Seconded Cr D Proleta 1. The information be received. CARRIED 3.6.3 Elected Member Stationery Moved Cr D Pilkington Seconded Cr D
Salisbury Athletes on the World Stage
stages in the world games over the winter period. Local superstars Angus Hincksman, ‘Tommy Turbo’ Mattinson, and Lillee Wakefield competed in a number of events, and brought home some very impressive

Connected Youth in the City of Salisbury
.’ A range of exciting programs are scheduled for this year, including life skills workshops, entrepreneurship programs, themed events, and leadership training. Council will be working closely with young

An evening with Tim Jarvis: recreating Ernest Shackleton’s 1916 Antarctic expedition
and The Unforgiving Minute will be available for purchase, with a book signing session following his talk. ‘I look forward to the City of Salisbury event at the Hub to talk to attendees about my
11 02 2020 minutes youth council
Awareness Project. 3. Emily Williams be appointed to the position of Team Leader, Environmental Project. CARRIED YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update February 2020 Moved B Duncan Seconded B Thompson
11 08 2020 minutes youth council
and noted. CARRIED YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update August 2020 Moved B Duncan Seconded S Noorzai 1. That the information be received and noted. CARRIED OTHER BUSINESS YCSC-OB1 Effects of COVID-19
2017 minutes youth council
2017, providing: a. another funding source is not available; b. an application is made in writing; and c. a report is provided post event. CARRIED R Daou entered the meeting at 05:43 pm. M Chamlagai

Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan
people with disability to live well in Salisbury are: 1. Support for Health and Wellbeing through Inclusive Programs, Services and Events 2. Accessible Buildings Streets and Open Spaces 3. Appropriate

City of Salisbury to showcase local artists during SALA Festival
Council City of Salisbury to showcase local artists during SALA Festival Media Release Events 1 Aug 2022 The South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival has promoted and celebrated the many
Lake windemere revitalisation project newsletter update march 2015
and into the future. The need for works was highlighted by storm events over the past few years, some of which caused local downstream fl ooding issues. The capacity of the lake will be enlarged partly
16 07 2018 agenda and reports resources and governance committee
that provides direction to staff. 4.4.6 Casual hire or special events which are not ongoing and are covered in the fees & charges register. City of Salisbury Page 15 Resources and Governance Committee Agenda
2019 minutes council assessment panel 4218226
is to be managed in a manner that ensures no ponding of water against buildings and structures, no creation of any insanitary condition, and no runoff into neighbouring property for the major storm event ARI
NEW CLMP 2 MO Amendments
with Council policy. In the event that leases/ licenses are entered into, the land shall be managed in line with Community Land Management Plan 1. To ensure buildings and structures are in reasonable
Community Land Management Plan 2
number 2516/2018. Leases/Licences will be determined in accordance with Council policy. In the event that leases/ licenses are entered into, the land shall be managed in line with Community Land
27022023 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
Grant No. 23/2022-23: La Festa di San Giuseppe Association Inc. – Community Grant Application 5.1.5 Community Event Sponsorship Grant Application 5.1.6 Community Grant Report Grant No. 24/2022-23
26062023 Minutes Council Meeting
(AFL) Gather Round event will take place in South Australia until 2026. 2. Requests the Mayor to consider writing to the Mayor of Playford to offer support to the AFL Gather Round event, noting
26062023 Minutes Council Meeting
(AFL) Gather Round event will take place in South Australia until 2026. 2. Requests the Mayor to consider writing to the Mayor of Playford to offer support to the AFL Gather Round event, noting
26062023 Minutes Council Meeting
(AFL) Gather Round event will take place in South Australia until 2026. 2. Requests the Mayor to consider writing to the Mayor of Playford to offer support to the AFL Gather Round event, noting