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Council City of Salisbury Logo Placeholder
Showing 1001 – 1020 of 1660 results

20 04 2020 minutes works and services committee

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for installation of Salisbury Civic Plaza, due to the impact fixed structures of this nature would have on the function of the space in event mode. CARRIED 2.4.2 Further Information to the Implementation

By-Law No 4 Local Government Land

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with any conditions that the Council may have determined by resolution apply to such use; 4.43 Trading sell, buy, offer or display anything for sale; 4.44 Weddings, functions and special events 4.44.1

14 11 2016 agenda and reports strategic and international partnerships sub committee

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considering Chinese investment and trade opportunities. Develop an ongoing program of events to raise aspirations of small businesses to consider opportunities internationally, including China

By law No 4 Local Government Land

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that the Council may have determined by resolution apply to such use; 4.43 Trading sell, buy, offer or display anything for sale; 4.44 Weddings, functions and special events 4.44.1 hold, conduct

2016 agenda and reports youth council sub committee 3172385

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. For example, Youth Council would potentially be required to plan community events, awareness campaigns, develop resource material for young people, and plan the making of a short film to document

Tourism and visitor sub committee agenda and reports 12 02 2018

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. Flood Assessment – Current studies show the site is subject to inundation in a 1-in-100 year event. Discharges by SA Water from upstream may result in a flood event as low as a 1-in-20 year event

13062023 Agenda and Reports Asset Management Sub Committee

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following the storm event that occurred on 30 May 2022. Page 14 Asset Management Sub Committee Agenda - 13 June 2023 City of Salisbury Item AMSC3 ITEM AMSC3 3.11 Following consultation with the residents

Community perceptions 2020 final for website

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recycling Hard waste services Participation in local Community Clubs & Sporting Associations Dog parks Parks and Reserves maintenance Arts and cultural programs and events Services for the aged Economic

28082023 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting

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Inclusion Action Plan For Noting Only: Decisions Made Under Committee Delegation 5.1.2 Community Event Grant Application - Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes – LJ Rare and Classic Car Show Mawson Lakes 5.1.3

21 06 2021 agenda and reports urban services committee

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significantly increased along John Street. 4.30 With the increase in the City Square area, this will enable further, larger event opportunities in the Square and smaller events at key nodes

19 10 2020 agenda and reports works and services committee

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community events, in association with the State Government, through Green Adelaide Education staff hosted by Council. 3. Staff continue to provide a 6 monthly calendar, via the Elected Member Portal

Annual Plan 2021-2022

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by project basis. Assumptions The forecasts are based on a number of assumptions and as with all projections it is likely that actual events will turn out differently. These figures, however

8523 city of salisbury report september 2008

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events such as fetes, festivals and school concerts (14%) 2.9 Belonging to a Decision-Making Board or Committee Approximately one in eight (13%, up from 10% in 2007) respondents stated that they were

21 01 2019 agenda and reports works and services committee

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in enquiries and new enrolments. 4.2.6 Overall the opening day event was a great success with positive feedback received from the community. High attendance rate reflected the community’s appetite

26042022 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting

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of Community Grants as follows: a. Grant No. 51/2021-22 to the value of $5,000: Military Vehicle Preservation Society of SA Inc. to assist with hosting an Emergency Services Day event to honour

City plan sustainable futures 2020 2013 version

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storms and extreme weather events. These climatic changes are further contributed to by human activities that enhance the greenhouse effect which is a process whereby certain gases in the atmosphere

19022024 Under Separate Cover Attachment 5 Item 1 1 1 Policy and Planning Committee

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area from 20 to 10 metres. • Climate change impact modelling was reviewed to gain a better understanding of future hazard risk from the impacts of extreme weather events. This involved accessing

17092024 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committtee

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for the August 2024 round of Community Grants as follows: a. Grant No. 7/2024-25 Mawson Lakes Rotary Club of SA Inc. Community Grant application: to the value of $12,000 for one (1) event (Mawson Lakes

01 04 2020 special council meeting item 3 covid 19 financial update

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program and Community event grants into recovery grants for affected clubs (recovery grants may be used for events). (0443/2020) 2. CITY PLAN CRITICAL ACTION 2.1 Not Applicable 3. CONSULTATION

Tree Management Policy

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new trees. 5.8. Trees that are to be retained are to be protected from construction works and other activities/events that threaten tree health and stability. The Australian Standard (AS4970 - 2009