Showing 1101 – 1120 of 1660 results
11 04 2016 minutes sport recreation and grants committee
implementation if that application is successful. 4. In the event that the Salisbury Amateur Athletics Club is unsuccessful in its application for matching funding for the installation of lighting at Rundle
By law 1 permits and penalties by law no1
of the Council, granted in writing prior to the act, event or activity to which it relates. PART 2 – PERMITS AND PENALTIES 8. Permits 8.1. Where a By-law requires that permission be obtained, any person
Whats On Guide Jan 2025 Bagster Road Community Centre
Library is opening Wednesday 22 January with a launch event and has a range of items available to help your child build their skills and imagination. Tuesdays 12pm to 2pm, Wednesdays 12pm to 2.30pm
Burning Permit Application Form 2022
while the fire is burning in the event of inspections. 17. Non observance of any condition may result in the permit being revoked and may incur a fine of $300 or category B offence. 18. A permit may
2017 agenda and reports special council meeting
Representation Review – Further Consultation In the event that NOM1 is carried, Cr D Bryant, Cr S Reardon and Cr C Buchanan have submitted the following Notice of Motion: 1. That the second Representation Review
Purchase card transaction update 2019 20
$5.00 0 21/11/2019 WILSON PARKING ADE052 Car Parking SAAB Event John Harry $20.25 $2.03 $22.28 0 22/11/2019 WILSON PARKING AUSTRAL Car Parking Meeting with Cowell Clarke John Harry $14.73 $1.47 $16.20 0

Salisbury Sport and Recreation Network
in City of Salisbury and the latest tools to help your club. Simply complete the subscription form here. Upcoming events The Salisbury Sport and Recreation Network together with Northern Sport
Landscape Design Policy
to respond to the function of the public open space. Creation of a landscape which would survive for a considerable time, as a result of periodical drought events or a reduction in maintenance level
07122021 Minutes Youth Council
and Events Update November 2021 Moved B Duncan Seconded M Prince That Council: 1. Notes the report. CARRIED YC4 Youth Council Project Team Updates Moved S Noorzai Seconded M Prince That Council: 1
Policy and planning committee minutes 17 02 2020
of Team Leader, Environmental Project. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update February 2020 Moved Cr G Reynolds Seconded Cr M Blackmore That the information be received and noted. CARRIED
15022022 Minutes Youth Council Sub Committee
Reports for the Youth Council Sub Committee Moved B Duncan Seconded M Prince That Council: 1. Notes the report. CARRIED YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update February 2022 Moved B Duncan Seconded M
Randall johnson grassy ecosystems compressed final
residents present challenges in event of evacuation Hypotheses • The condition of degraded GBGW will not deteriorate as a result of single fire ‣ Native understorey cover will not decrease relative
17 08 2020 minutes policy and planning committee
Blackmore Seconded Cr S Reardon 1. That the information be received and noted. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update August 2020 Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Cr S Reardon 1
10 07 2017 minutes sport recreation and grants committee
. 4. Staff report back on clarifying the eligibility criteria for participants to be able to apply for funding to support attendance at national school sporting events. CARRIED 7.2.2 Review of Youth
Salisbury Community Fun Day St Kilda 2022 Community Bus Poster
Salisbury Community Fun Day at St Kilda FREE COMMUNITY BUS SERVICES AVAILABLE Free Community Event Salisbury COMMUNITY Fun Day ST KILDA Sunday 23 October 11 AM TO 2PM FREE ENTRY Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3
CAP Operating Procedures November 2021 with AM Review update
of any maters before the Panel. 3.9. The Presiding Member may adjourn a meeting in the event of a disruption or disturbance by a CAP Member, an applicant, a representor, or any other person present
Council assessment panel operating procedures endorsed 28 11 2017
. The Presiding Member may adjourn a meeting in the event of a disruption or disturbance by a CAP Member, an applicant, a representor, or any other person present at the CAP meeting, until such time
16 03 2021 agenda and reports innovation and business development committee
Moved Cr B Brug Seconded Cr M Blackmore 1. The information is received. 6.1.1 Salisbury Plays - Renaming Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Cr J Woodman 1. The Salisbury Plays event is renamed
26092023 Agenda and Reports Council Assessment Panel
and that they be reviewed again in 12 months. Deemed Approval 2.11 Section 125 of the PDI Act provides that in the event a relevant authority fails to determine an application for planning consent within