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Showing 1121 – 1140 of 1660 results

CAP Operating Procedures November 2021

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of any maters before the Panel. 3.9. The Presiding Member may adjourn a meeting in the event of a disruption or disturbance by a CAP Member, an applicant, a representor, or any other person present

Council assessment panel operating procedures endorsed 28 11 2017

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. The Presiding Member may adjourn a meeting in the event of a disruption or disturbance by a CAP Member, an applicant, a representor, or any other person present at the CAP meeting, until such time

09 05 2016 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee

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of the timeframe for consideration of the SAAC’s application for matching funding and to enable project implementation if that application is successful. 4. In the event that the Salisbury Amateur

25102022 Agenda and Reports Council Assessment Panel

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, which consider the 10% AEP minor storm and 1% AEP major storm events. (a) Stormwater discharge to the downstream system is not to exceed the pre development discharge rate for the equivalent minor

2016 agenda and reports council meeting 3162910

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and Governance 3.6.2, 16/11/2015), subject to the following amendment: 3. In the circumstances where the event occurs outside of the City of Salisbury, or there is limited time available to confirm

CAP Meeting Procedures endorsement December 2023

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for/against will not be recorded, and are not relevant once the majority is determined). 7.6 The Presiding Member may adjourn a meeting in the event of a disruption or disturbance by any person (including

2019 minutes policy and planning committee 4349652

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Committee Meeting - 15 July 2019 1.0.2-TVSC2 Topics for consideration by the Sub Committee Moved Cr D Proleta Seconded Cr K Grenfell 1. That the information be received 2. That the Discover Salisbury Events
Community Healthy Living Well Community Health News

Community Health and Wellbeing News

Community Community Health and Wellbeing News Here is where you will find monthly news items to inspire you to keep fit and healthy, and we include a variety of events on offer as well as top tips

2025 JYC and Pine Lakes Weekly Program

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Computer Tutoring 1 on 1 tutoring tailored to student needs Jack Young Centre By appointment Upcoming Events Includes Guest Speakers, Celebrations Enquire at Jack Young Centre Reception Last updated 30

Salisbury Oval Masterplan Draft for Community Engagement

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connectivity of car parking and road networks at Salisbury Oval for sport and community events including exploring linking the Salisbury Bowling Club and Salisbury Oval car parking together. 11 Develop
Activities Venues For Hire

Venues for Hire

Activities Venues for Hire If you wish to hire one of Council's parks or reserves for a private event please fill in the Reserve Hire Application form. For a other venues, please contact

Flag Policy

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and the flying of the flag” publication. 4.2 The flag poles at the Municipal Office will be used to display flags and banners to encourage local and national pride and to mark events of community and wider

14 08 2017 minutes sport recreation and grants committee

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of participation in the supported event. CARRIED 7.2.2 Youth Sponsorship - July Applications Moved Cr R Zahra Seconded Cr D Proleta 1. The information be received. 2. The application noted in paragraph 3.3

19112024 Agenda and reports Innovation and Business Development Committee

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Neighbourhood Development, Ms J Laws Development Manager, Ms J Owen Senior Events Coordinator, Ms R Graves Minutes of the Innovation and Business Development Committee Meeting 22/10/2024 The meeting

2016 minutes audit committee

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(Item No. 4.2.2, Audit Committee, 09/02/2015) be endorsed, subject to the deferral of the Payroll audit and bringing forward of the Event Management audit during 2016. CARRIED City of Salisbury Page

23 03 2020 minutes council meeting

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that may need to be put in place by the CEO under part 3 of the recommendation, include: a. Cancellation of all Council run community events and gatherings for the foreseeable future; b. Closure, reduced

Salisbury Aquatic Centre Engagement Summary Report

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– Engagement Summary Report - Community survey | 5 Swimming for fun 295 Swimming for fitness 96 Swimming lessons 83 Event 74 Tennis 21 Other 56 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Figure 3 What do you use

Homelessness strategy 2020

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and understanding within the community; • Regular public events that bring together local homeless support services, and give them an opportunity to connect with chronically homeless people, assist them

Salary Register

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101314 - Home Assist Officer MOA Level 3 Year 4 $85,663.0000 000617 - Events Coordinator MOA Level 4 Year 1 $87,718.0000 001076 - Volunteer Services Officer MOA Level 4 Year 1 $87,718.0000 001327