Showing 1141 – 1160 of 1659 results
Homelessness strategy 2020
and understanding within the community; • Regular public events that bring together local homeless support services, and give them an opportunity to connect with chronically homeless people, assist them
18092023 Agenda and Reports Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Farm We are awaiting final invoices from activity providers to be able to close this event off. The event took place in June of this year. Community Fun Day Fairbanks This event was postponed due
23102023 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
Program Progress Update 5.1.8 Homelessness - Update on Services 5.1.9 Policy Review: Transfer of Cemetery Licences Policy For Noting Only: Decisions Made Under Committee Delegation 5.1.1 Community Events
20112023 Agenda and Reports Finance and Corporate Services Committee
$111,000 CHSP Grant Funding contract adjustment $42,800 Harmony Day Event $16,000 Network Remediation – Ingle Farm $10,400 Purchase New 5 Tonne Excavator $170,000 Saturday Session Transfer $18,000 Transfer
2018 agenda and reports policy and planning committee 3939711
be received and noted. 1.1.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update May 2018 Moved Cr S White Seconded Cr L Caruso 1. That the information is received and noted. 1.1.1-YC5 Youth Council Community Hub
23102023 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
Program Progress Update 5.1.8 Homelessness - Update on Services 5.1.9 Policy Review: Transfer of Cemetery Licences Policy For Noting Only: Decisions Made Under Committee Delegation 5.1.1 Community Events
28022022 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
of the Youth Council Sub Committee meeting Held on Tuesday 15 February 2022: 1.2.1-YC3 Future Reports for the Youth Council Sub Committee 1.2.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update February 2022 YC-MWON1
Public Interest Disclosure Procedure
the Preliminary Assessment has been made, and in any event within 30 days of receipt of the disclosure. In doing so, the Responsible Officer must advise the Informant of: • any action that has been
14 12 2020 agenda and reports finance and corporate services committee
possible and viable staff incorporate a community market component into the approved 3 year Event Calendar. 6.0.2-IBDSC3 Community Requests - Response Dashboard Moved Cr C Buchanan Seconded Cr D
10 06 2020 agenda and reports asset management sub committee
, training activities, and participation programs. Such locations have limited ability or constrained function for multiple activities or large events. Generally located on local road networks and provide
Salisbury Water - Hardship Policy for Residential Salisbury Water Customers
by us, and in the event that their complaint cannot be resolve, the right to escalate the complaint to the external dispute resolution body approved by the Essential Services Commission of South
18 11 2019 agenda and reports strategic and international partnerships sub committee
or industry sectors to facilitate business growth and investment attraction. Cultural/Event programs such as interfacing with existing State Government initiatives eg the recent visit by the ASO
12 11 2019 agenda and reports strategic and international partnerships sub committee
. These might include: (i) (ii) (iii) Creating a business interface between associations or specific product or industry sectors to facilitate business growth and investment attraction. Cultural/Event
2017 minutes development assessment panel 3501275
for the major storm event ARI = 100 years. All stormwater systems are to comply with AS3500.3 – Stormwater Drainage. An overland flow path to the drainage reserve is to be provided for the major storm
2018 minutes policy and planning committee 3849757
of a two year term until 31 December 2019. 1.1.1-YC2 Project Teams Update Moved Cr R Zahra Seconded Cr S White 1. The information be received and noted. 1.1.1-YC3 Youth Programs and Events Update
Tourism and visitor sub committee minutes 16 03 2018
be congratulated on the success of the Secret Garden and receiving the Bank SA Best Event Award for week three of the Adelaide Fringe. CARRIED CLOSE The meeting closed at 6.42 pm. CHAIRMAN
21 06 2021 minutes policy and planning committee
Committee Meeting - 21 June 2021 1.1.1-YC2 Youth Programs and Events Update May 2021 Moved Cr G Reynolds Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. The information is received and noted. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC3 Youth
COS009 City Plan 2040 Summary Ver 1 30 OCT
City Plan 2040 Summary Community event in the Salisbury Community Hub Civic Plaza / Inparrinthi Kumangka 02 City of Salisbury - City Plan 2040 Summary 03 Our aspiration for 2040 What is the The City
19 08 2019 minutes policy and planning committee
Reynolds 1. That the information be received and noted 1.1.5 Youth Programs and Events Update August 2019 Moved Cr G Reynolds Seconded Cr B Brug 1. That the information be received and noted. 1.1.6 Strategic