Showing 1161 – 1180 of 1659 results
15 12 2020 agenda and reports innovation and business development committee
staff incorporate a community market component into the approved 3 year Event Calendar. CARRIED Mayor G Aldridge returned to the meeting at 7.07 pm. Cr C Buchanan left the meeting at 7.08 pm. Cr C
18032024 Minutes Governance and Compliance Committee
Off-Leash Greyhound Events Review Moved Cr D Hood Seconded Mayor G Aldridge That Council 1. Notes the report. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 4 Governance and Compliance Committee Minutes 18 March 2024 City
21 03 2016 minutes resources and governance committee
to the adoption of an Informal Gatherings Policy. CARRIED CARRIED Minutes - Resources and Governance Committee Meeting - 21 March 2016 CARRIED 3.6.2 Summary of Attendance at Event - Cr Bryant - Public Speaking
2016 minutes policy and planning committee 3373872
. That the information be received. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC3 National Youth Week 2017 Moved Cr G Caruso Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. Youth Council members discuss and brainstorm ideas for activities/events. 2
20062022 Minutes Policy and Planning Committee
. CARRIED 1.2.1-YC2 Youth Council Projects 2022 Update Moved Cr K Grenfell Seconded Cr D Proleta That Council: 1. Notes the information. CARRIED 1.2.1-YC3 Youth Programs and Events Update June 2022 Moved Cr
Purchase Card Policy
, staff recognition gifts for significant events (birth of a child) bereavement (passing of immediate family member) gifts for visiting dignitaries, meetings with meals with external parties; or Page 2
2016 agenda and reports policy and planning committee 3157188
. The report to include possible partnerships, costings and grants available for hosting an event of this type. 3. Council Staff liaise and provide feedback and ideas from the Salisbury City Centre Business
2016 minutes council meeting 3258153
for Attendance at Training and Development Events - Cr Reardon and Cr Vermeer Moved Cr D Pilkington Seconded Cr G Caruso 1. The information be received. CARRIED 1089/2016 3.6.3 Elected Member Stationery Moved Cr
2602024 Minutes Council Meeting
Council Minutes 26 February 2024 City of Salisbury Waste Management at Salisbury Events $15,000 CAPITAL Brickwork Place, Walkley Heights, $500,000 Additional Flood Mitigation Funding Changing Places
23102023 Minutes Council
event does not recognise businesses outside the Salisbury City Centre. 4. Requests the Administration to present a report to the relevant Committee to investigate the feasibility of running a proposed
21 12 2020 minutes council meeting
as a Mentor on Salisbury Youth Council be received and accepted. Youth Council Projects Update 1. That the information be received and noted. Youth Programs and Events Update December 2020 1
25112024 Minutes Council Meeting
or Delegate to undertake public consultation in accordance with Council’s adopted Public Consultation Policy. 3. Authorises that in the event that no objections are received the Chief Executive Officer
2018 agenda and reports audit committee of council 3931655
in the register. The discussion included review of each part of the risk record, including the event descriptions, controls and treatment plans. 2.1.2 As a result of the discussions at the workshop changes
130621 salisbury town centre council updates low res
partnerships between TAFE and other educational services . Council to activate public realm with businesses (eg: aged care) by promoting outdoor dining, public art/events and promotion of existing
Transport Asset Management Plan Version 5b April 2015
in loss or reduction in service from infrastructure assets or a ‘financial shock’ to the organisation. The risk assessment process identifies credible risks, the likelihood of the risk event
22 03 2021 agenda and reports council meeting amended 23 03 2021
. LGBTIQ+ 2. Christian Gudic is appointed to the position of Team Leader, Mental Health Project. 3. Brooke Duncan is appointed to the position of Team Leader, LGBTIQ+. YC4 Youth Programs and Events
2017 agenda and reports council meeting 3598029
of Salisbury Page 3 Council Agenda - 24 July 2017 Agenda - Council Meeting - 24 July 2017 NOM3 Christmas Carols Event - Mawson Lakes December 2017 Cr David Bryant has submitted the following Notice
18 09 2017 agenda and reports works and services committee
Consultation Policy. 3.9 A report to be presented to Council for consideration of any objections received. In the event that no objections are received, the Manager Property and Building be authorised
16082021 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee
. In the event that no objections are received the Manager Property and Buildings be authorised to prepare and submit the necessary documentation to the Minister for approval. 4. Upon Council’s
Notice of CEO Briefing/Workshop Sessions
, First Floor, Salisbury Community Hub, 34 Church Street, Salisbury Topics: • Events 2023 Wrap Up and Feedback, and 2024 Year Ahead This topic is OPEN to the PUBLIC November 2023 Monday 6 November 2023