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Showing 1161 – 1180 of 3595 results

2017 agenda and reports program review sub committee 3483939

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of Salisbury Minutes of the Program Review Sub Committee Meeting 13/02/2017 OTHER BUSINESS Nil CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS PRSC4 Program Review Findings for Technical Services Division, Projects Division

Asbestos faqs

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concerned about asbestos in the house… Q For further information… Q Translation Service Q Contact page 1 Public Health Fact Sheet What is asbestos? Asbestos is the name given to a group of naturally


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by legislation to service an outlet (ie toilet cistern, laundry outlet, or hot water service), there must be a continuity of supply between the rainwater and the reticulated supply (seamless automatic switching

St Kilda Master Plan Nov 2016

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13. Explore opportunities for the area taking into consideration the Visitor and Tourism Strategy, International Bird Sanctuary, water front amenity and potential future services. 14. Explore

2017 minutes program reveiw sub committee

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Financial Services Division Cr B Brug entered the meeting at 06:57 pm. Moved Cr R Zahra Seconded Cr L Caruso 1. That recommendations from the Financial Services Division Compliance Audit, Benchmarking
Community Healthy Living Well Walking 1

Regional Public Health Plan

Council Regional Public Health Plan "The places where we live, and the opportunities they provide, contribute to our health and wellbeing by giving us access to the economic resources and services we
Council City of Salisbury Logo Placeholder

Tattooing and piercing

Services Tattooing and piercing Any business that offers services involving skin penetration - including any process, whether intentionally or otherwise, that involves the shaving, piercing, cutting

23082021 Minutes Council Meeting

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/2021 City of Salisbury Page 5 Council Minutes - 23 August 2021 5.2 Finance and Corporate Services Committee - Recommendations for Council Ratification Moved Cr D Proleta Seconded Cr D Hood That Council

2018 agenda and reports youth council

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that support consistent service delivery and informed decision making. This report will inform Youth Council of the application of Amanda O’Sullivan to join Youth Council as a Mentor. RECOMMENDATION 1

15062022 Agenda and Reports Youth Council

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Affairs Council of South Australia 2.1.3 Salvation Army Ingle Farm 2.1.4 Burlendi Youth Service 2.1.5 Local High Schools 2.1.6 Salisbury City Rotaract 2.1.7 Australian Electoral Commission Page 9

17 02 2020 agenda and reports resources and governance committee

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PLAN LINKS SUMMARY Future Reports for the Resources and Governance Committee Michelle Woods, Projects Officer Governance, CEO and Governance 4.3 Have robust processes that support consistent service

2017 minutes development assessment panel 3448276

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PRESENT Mr D Wallace (Presiding Member) Mr R Bateup Ms L Caruso Ms S Johnston Mr G Reynolds Mr J Watson Mr S White STAFF Manager Development Services, Mr C Zafiropoulos Development Officer – Planning, Ms

12 11 2019 minutes audit committee

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Program Manager, Ms J Crook Internal Auditor & Risk Coordinator, Mr R Constance Manager Financial Services, Ms K George Senior Accountant, Mr T Aplin Assistant Accountant, Ms M Hamilton The meeting

2016 minutes policy and planning committee 3253122

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. The delivery of a program of youth services, including sports based activities; and the Lan Group as outlined as Option 2 within this Report (specifically described in paragraphs 4.27-4.28, Item

20 02 2017 minutes budget and finance committee

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transfer of $529,000 capital from Boardwalk MOSS Reimbursement to Mawson Lakes Interchange Pedestrian & Cycle Path. (Works and Services - January Item 2.6.1) Page 4 Budget and Finance Committee Minutes

23 01 2017 minutes resources and governance committee

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Chris Zafiropoulos, Manager Development Services be nominated as a Local Government Member on the Local Government Advisory Committee on the Implementation of the New Planning System. CARRIED 3.4.2

2019 minutes council assessment panel 4291752

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Johnston (Deputy Presiding Member) Mr R Bateup Mr J Watson Mr B Brug STAFF General Manager City Development, Mr T Sutcliffe Manager Development Services, Mr C Zafiropoulos (Assessment Manager) Team Leader

29032022 Minutes Council Assessment Panel

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Development Officer Planning, Ms K Thrussell Team Leader Business Services, Ms H Crossley The meeting commenced at 6.30pm. The Presiding Member welcomed the members, staff and the gallery to the meeting

20 11 2017 agenda and reports budget and finance committee

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Reports for the Budget and Finance Committee Michelle Woods, Projects Officer Governance, CEO and Governance 4.3 Have robust processes that support consistent service delivery and informed decision
Council City of Salisbury Logo Placeholder

Food Safety: Food Recalls

Services Food Safety: Food Recalls A food recall is defined as ‘an action taken to remove from distribution, sale and consumption, food which may pose a health and safety risk to consumers'. A food