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Council City of Salisbury Logo Placeholder
Showing 1201 – 1220 of 1659 results

Salisbury Memorial Park Cemetery Regulations

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of Interment 8.3 The substituted right may be devolved as one or more persons in succession in the event of the subsequent death or legal incapacity of such person. 8.4 The City of Salisbury may determine

Governance and Compliance Committee Meeting 19 June 2023

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or any liquor licenses issued for events, and or permitted or authorised activities, and this restriction shall begin on 1 June 2023 and remain in force until further notice. 2. Pursuant to Section 238

27 10 2020 minutes council assessment panel

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, which consider the minor storm (Q10) and major storm (Q100) events. Discharge to the street water table is not to exceed the equivalent of the pre-development minor storm flows; (h) The following

Community Recreation Facilities Sponsorship Policy

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not mean display of a business, brand, or product name or logo. 3. Naming rights - means the exclusive right for an organisation to name/brand a facility, event or program (usually subject to approval

21032022 Minutes Finance and Corporate Services Committee

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Trails, Dry Creek Trails etc. 5. Includes the following late budget bids in the 2022/23 budget: a. OPN000953 White Ribbon Event (Attachment 11) b. OPN000954 Performance Excellence Program (Attachment 12) c

10 03 2020 minutes sport recreation and grants committee

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and photo props for the Burton Community Centre Family Fun Day event as outlined in the Community Grant Application. The majority of members present voted IN FAVOUR of the MOTION. Cr C Buchanan voted

Charges for Use of Council Land for Business Purposes Policy

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negotiated and are in place. 1.2.6 Community/Sporting clubs.. 1.2.7 Casual hire or special events. 1.2.8 Registration of any easements. 1. Local Government Act 1999 (SA) 2. Retail and Commercial Leases

19 10 2020 minutes policy and planning committee

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Update Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. That the information be received and noted. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update October 2020 Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Mayor G

2019 agenda and reports council meeting 4208381

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Beyond 18 Project Team. YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update Jan - April 2019 1. That the information be received and noted. YC5 Salisbury North Skate Park Upgrade 1. The information within

2017 agenda and reports council meeting 3448278

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Recently the Council has been affected by the storm events passing over the City of Salisbury. Cr D Pilkington has asked what has been the impact to the Council, its operations, and council

16 03 2020 agenda and reports budget and finance committee

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future funding and service level changes. Due: April 2020 26/08/2019 Event Management Framework and Room Booking Charles Mansueto Fees & Charges - Salisbury Community Hub 6.1.3 5. That a report

Lindblom Reserve Strategic Master Plan Report

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a legacy plan that will endeavor to capitalize on this event in three key areas, Infrastructure, Participation and Leadership. • Opportunity to provide a facility that is conducive to attracting greater

FINAL Welcome to Salisbury Information Booklet 2023 WEB

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, Salisbury Aware, to stay up to date with the latest events, programs and opportunities happening across the City. Stay safe and well and I trust you will be pleased to discover all that Salisbury

Workshop 2 13 03 24 FULL PACK

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with of the 1 in 100 year event. Project Stakeholders Manager: General Manager: Asset Owner: Elected Member: Mark Purdie John Devine David Pezzaniti Budget Bid Financial Summary 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total

Tz 2012 grass forummz

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for grasses where large quantities of seed • Irrigation necessary in lower rainfall areas, or where regular rainfall events are unreliable 15 March 2012 Adelaide Plains Grassy Woodland Restoration

Walkleys Road Draft Concept Plan

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encompassing stormwater detention basins - to be irrigated, landscaped with high amenity and graded to ensure usability and safety. The detention basins will remain dry between heavy rain events. STORMWATER

Historicalwalk salisbury

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Exhibition (World War II fighter planes) • Information on aircraft featured • Educational resources • Children’s school holiday workshops • Changing exhibitions • Venue suitable for variety of functions and special events Visit the website at

20 05 2019 minutes works and services committee

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Community Hub - Opening/Launch Event Moved Mayor G Aldridge Seconded Cr S Ouk 1. That the broad principles and agenda for the opening of the Salisbury Community Hub as detailed in this report (Item 2.1.1

Footpath Policy

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; or • The frequency dictated in legislation; or • Earlier in the event of changes to legislation or related Policies and Procedures; or • If deemed necessary by Council. Further Information For further