Showing 1241 – 1260 of 1661 results
25 06 2018 minutes council meeting amended 29 06 2018
2018), and listed below: Item 7.0.1 – Future Reports for the Sport, Recreation and Grants Committee Item 7.0.2 – Community Event Sponsorship Program Item 7.1.1 – Cross Keys BMX Club – Minor Capital
21062022 Agenda and Reports Innovation and Business Development Committee
The Community Bus Trial operated for 26 weeks; • Completing 330 loops of the bus route • Travelling over 18,000 kms • Carrying over 2,837 passengers. 3.5 Planned City of Salisbury Events were also
2016 minutes council meeting 3307269
Seconded Cr R Cook 1. That no funding cap be applied to individual youth sponsorship applications from the same organisation for the same event. Moved Cr C Buchanan Seconded Cr B Vermeer 1
2016 minutes council meeting 3166901
to this report (Resources and Governance 3.6.2, 16/11/2015), subject to the following amendment: 3. In the circumstances where the event occurs outside of the City of Salisbury, or there is limited time
15 03 2021 agenda and reports policy and planning committee
Gudic is appointed to the position of Team Leader, Mental Health Project. 3. Brooke Duncan is appointed to the position of Team Leader, LGBTIQ+. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update
29032022 Minutes Council Assessment Panel
event ARI = 100 years. Environment Protection Authority Conditions – Retail Fuel Outlet 28. Prior to operation, all fuel storage tanks (apart from diesel and LPG) must be fitted with a Stage 1 vapour
23092024 Agenda and reports Council
as follows: a. Grant No. 7/2024-25 Mawson Lakes Rotary Club of SA Inc. Community Grant application: to the value of $12,000 for one (1) event (Mawson Lakes Charity Car Show) and two (2) programs (Domestic
2017 agenda and reports works and services committee 3442949
Joint Use Agreement with Temple Christian College and Licence Agreement with Bethany Christian School for Fairbanks Drive Reserve 2.5.1 6. In the event that objections to Joint Use Agreement
17 07 2017 agenda and reports works and services committee
report be presented to Council for consideration of any objections received in response to community consultation. In the event that no objections are received the Manager Property and Buildings
2016 agenda and reports program review sub committee 3312788
for Key Events/Outputs) �� �� �� �� �� �� �� 26 July 2016: Approval of Program Review Brief by Executive Group 9 August 2016: Approval of Program Review Brief by PRSC 23 August 2016: Approval
Tourism and visitor sub committee agenda and reports 14 05 2019
and promotional materials around key themes, precincts and attractions – Completed ‣�Develop and implement a public relations program – Current Project ‣�Develop and support events and festivals
15 04 2019 agenda and reports resources and governance committee
of the event, and were asked to register their interest in attending. 2.1.2 The following Elected Members have indicated their interest: 2.2 External �� �� �� 2.2.1 Nil Cr Chad Buchanan Cr Kylie Grenfell Cr Beau
12 09 2016 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee
further motion 1. The criteria for funding applied to individual youth sponsorship applications from the same organisation for the same event be reviewed. Due: March 2017 4. CONCLUSION / PROPOSAL 4.1 Future
16042024 Agenda and Reports Innovation and Business Development Committee
Citywide business awards event in late 2024 / 2025, similar to the City of Onkaparinga and some other councils. March 2024 May 2024 Continuing to gather information to prepare the report. Road Reseal
16 06 2020 agenda and reports council assessment panel r
to eliminate drag-out from the site during wet weather events; Page 4 Council Assessment Panel Agenda - 16 June 2020 City of Salisbury Minutes of the Council Assessment Panel Meeting 29/01/2020 d) Where
14 10 2019 agenda and reports asset management sub committee
of the community. - Identify reserves and open spaces of community value for cultural activities, community events and provision for public art. - Review the use of dry land treatments and reserve design
09 0 42018 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee
and Grants Committee Agenda - 9 April 2018 Item 7.2.1 ITEM 7.2.1 Funding per Event application 1 @ $250 One application has been received to represent South Australia at the Australian Drilldance
24052022 Minutes Council Assessment Panel
, including accompanying design calculations, which consider the minor storm (Q10) and major storm (Q100) events. Discharge to the street water table is to be at the equivalent of the pre-development minor
Safe Environment for Children and Vulnerable People Policy
reporting is required. In the event a mandatory report is made or a serious matter or care concern is identified, the City of Salisbury will share information with other stakeholders in accordance
2019 minutes council assessment panel 4356845
property for the major storm event ARI = 100 years. Reason: To ensure flood protection of the building. 9. The stormwater drainage system shall demonstrate the incorporation of Water Sensitive Urban