Showing 1301 – 1320 of 1661 results
14 04 2020 agenda and reports strategic property development sub committee
in the event of a preferred proponent and proposal being identified. In the event that there is not a successful outcome from the EOI process, the Salisbury Oval land will be retained and ‘banked
St kilda stage 2 master plan endorsed version may 2017
. The Mangrove trail was once a 1.7km loop with the eastern embankment servicing the southern extent of the trail. A significant storm event destroyed a section of the trail in 2006. Due to the Native Title
13 08 2018 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee
with the purchase of hall hire, sound system hire and beverages for the Observing Foundation Day by AHIMBSA Member event as outlined in the Community Grant Application. CARRIED City of Salisbury Page 5
The Haunting History of Salisbury Booklet
. A few days later police Trooper Rollinson at Wellington, near Murray Bridge, caught the escaped prisoner trying to cross on a ferry. 17 In a strange turn of events, the real A.P Jones turned up in court
23092024 Minutes Council Meeting
No. 7/2024-25 Mawson Lakes Rotary Club of SA Inc. Community Grant application: to the value of $12,000 for one (1) event (Mawson Lakes Charity Car Show) and two (2) programs (Domestic & Family Violence
10 10 2016 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee
for the same event be reviewed. Due: March 2017 4. CONCLUSION / PROPOSAL 4.1 Future reports for the Sport, Recreation and Grants Committee have been reviewed and are presented to Council for noting. CO
12 03 2019 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee
March 2019 Item 7.2.1 ITEM 7.2.1 Funding per Event application 1 @ $1,000 One application has been received to represent Australia at the Asian Tenpin Bowling Championships to be held in Huching
2016 agenda and reports audit committee
audit and bringing forward of the Event Management audit during 2016. CARRIED City of Salisbury Page 5 Audit Committee Agenda - 12 April 2016 Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting 9/02/2016 4.2.3
16 02 2021 agenda and reports community wellbeing and sport
to current COVID restrictions, the planned events are: �� �� �� The official opening will be held on Friday 26 March which will be followed by a series of activities over the weekend. Athletics SA
25072022 Minutes Council Meeting
Officer to approve the final Regional Public Health Plan following community consultation. CARRIED 1416/2022 City of Salisbury Page 15 Council Minutes - 25 July 2022 5.1.7 Proposed Event Calendar 2023
27022023 Minutes Council Meeting Public
Events Calendar $68,000 Residual Current Device Installation Works $60,000 Transfer of Land and Buildings - Salisbury $95,000 Bowling Club In CAPITAL Burton Community Hub Door Upgrades $150,000 Burton
27022023 Minutes Council Meeting Public
Events Calendar $68,000 Residual Current Device Installation Works $60,000 Transfer of Land and Buildings - Salisbury $95,000 Bowling Club In CAPITAL Burton Community Hub Door Upgrades $150,000 Burton
25092023 Minutes Council Meeting
, 19 September 2023). CARRIED 0474/2023 CARRIED 0474/2023 CARRIED 0474/2023 5.1.5 Events Opportunities and Identification Framework Moved Cr C Buchanan Seconded Cr D Hood That Council: 1. Notes
04122023 Agenda and Reports Environmental Sustainability and Trees Sub Committee
our biodiversity and sustainability education programs Existing and events B4 Supporting residents, schools and community groups to enhance and protect biodiversity on private and public land through
2016 agenda and reports program review sub committee 3340150
Van business, utilising their home as a base for food storage and preparation. 3.33.3 Food Safety at Events – the growth of community events and weekend farmers markets requires the Environmental
27022023 Minutes Council Meeting Public
Events Calendar $68,000 Residual Current Device Installation Works $60,000 Transfer of Land and Buildings - Salisbury $95,000 Bowling Club In CAPITAL Burton Community Hub Door Upgrades $150,000 Burton
Verge development guidelines for web march 2019
. In the event the verge is not maintained to the satisfaction of the Council, to pay for all costs associated with the verge removal. An example of a Verge Development Plan (not to scale): Developing & maintaining BeautifulNeighbourhoods
Private Parking Areas Act - Private Parking Agreements Policy
- within 12 months of a Council election and thereafter as necessary; or • The frequency dictated in legislation; or • Earlier in the event of changes to legislation or related Policies and Procedures

‘Be Active – Find Your WHY’ - Heart Foundation Innovation Challenge
the activities and events on offer to help older people move more, contact JYC Reception on 8406 8525. Physical activities and venues From free cycling and walking activities, to tai-chi and seated
Affordable and Community Housing Policy - Surplus Council Owned Land
. Review a) Every four years, within 12 months of a Council election; or b) Earlier in the event of changes to legislation or related policies and procedures; or c) If deemed necessary by Council Further