Showing 1341 – 1360 of 1662 results
25072022 Minutes Council Meeting Amended
Executive Officer to approve the final Regional Public Health Plan following community consultation. CARRIED 1416/2022 City of Salisbury Page 17 Council Minutes - 25 July 2022 5.1.7 Proposed Event
City of Salisbury Delegations Register Table of Contents
as to Installation etc of Traffic Control Devices Work areas and work sites Appeal to District Court Action to Deal with False Devices or Hazards to Traffic Road Closing and Exemptions for Certain Events Notice
St Kilda Master Plan Nov 2016
the southern extent of the trail. A significant storm event destroyed a section of the trail in 2006. Due to the Native Title Claim, capital works could not be undertaken to renew/repair the trail
2017 minutes council meeting 3476973
, 20/02/2017), be endorsed. CARRIED 1602/2017 3.6.2 Review of Protocol for Civic Events/Functions Policy Moved Cr R Zahra Seconded Cr D Balaza 1. The Information be received. 2. The Protocol for Civic
2016 agenda and reports works and services committee 3295125
to property owners and a sign erected in a clearly visible location on the site. 3. A further report be presented to Council for consideration of any objections received. In the event no objections
20 11 2017 minutes works and services committee
for consideration of any objections received. In the event that no objections are received, the Manager Property and Buildings be authorised to prepare and submit the necessary documentation to the Minster
Council assessment panel minutes 22 10 2018
Events shall not be conducted at the subject site, except where otherwise approved. Reason: To ensure that the proposal is conducted in accordance with plans and details submitted to Council. Advice Notes
16052022 Minutes Urban Services Committee
into: 1.1 Major Drainage Assets 2. Approves the following Criteria for Drainage systems: 2.1 Major Drainage Assets: 2.1.1 Number of houses at risk of flooding in a 1 in 100 year event 2.1.2 Quality
2016 minutes development assessment panel 3307270
is to be managed in a manner that ensures no ponding of water against buildings and structures, no creation of any insanitary condition and no runoff into neighbouring property for the major storm event ARI
Tim groves introductiontoprescribedburning grasslandsconference final
from being burnt in a single bushfire event Burns are generally positioned across reserves and aim to provide a strategic low fuel buffer where a fire fighting efforts might be assisted Black Hill CP
16 11 2020 minutes budget and finance committee
and viable staff incorporate a community market component into the approved 3 year Event Calendar. Community Requests - Response Dashboard Moved Cr C Buchanan Seconded Cr D Proleta 1. The information
20 06 2016 minutes works and services committee
erected in a clearly visible location on the site. 3. A further report be presented to Council for consideration of any objections received. In the event no objections are received, the Manager Property
10052022 Agenda and Reports Para Hills Community Hub Precinct Sub Committee
those most vulnerable. All staff members work collaboratively to provide local service referral where appropriate and the facilities provide a code red and blue site during extreme weather events. 4.4
Draft salisbury town centre structure plan march 2012
art and events need to be incorporated into our public places. Developments should be designed having regard to people with disabilities, aged persons and children, thereby ensuring access for all
13 10 2020 agenda and reports strategic and international partnerships sub committee
and accepted, also noting the timing of the event. The congratulatory message will align to the key principles in the Agreement that was signed in October 2019, reinforcing the City of Salisbury’s
19072022 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee
July 2022 Minutes - Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee Meeting - 19 July 2022 5.1.7 Proposed Event Calendar 2023-2025 Moved Cr C Buchanan Seconded Cr J Woodman That Council: 1. Notes the report. 2
15 02 2021 minutes finance and corporate services committee
. CARRIED 2.1.2 Event Management Framework & Room Booking Fees & Charges, Salisbury Community Hub Moved Cr L Braun Seconded Cr M Blackmore 1. That the update on the use of the Salisbury Community Hub
Tafesa enrolment form
information and/or newsletters related to TAFE SA events, unless I have withdrawn the acceptance for such purposes (see clause 19). 19. TAFE SA will only release any personal information provided
18 11 2019 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
Government on the Reforming Local Government in South Australia Discussion Paper. CARRIED CARRIED IBDSC-OB1 Expenditure for Salisbury Plays Events Moved Mayor G Aldridge Seconded Cr K Grenfell 1
09 12 2019 agenda and reports works and services committee
in the report if there are no objections raised as part of the consultation process. In the event objections are made on the road closure, a further report will be presented to Council following