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Showing 1401 – 1420 of 1661 results

23 04 2019 agenda and reports council meeting

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Council Sub Committee. YC2 Youth Council Membership. YC3 Youth Council Project Teams Update. YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update April 2019. YC5-OB1 Kaurna Acknowledgement. 1.3.1 Planning Reforms

19022024 Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Committee

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1.0.1 ITEM 1.0.1 28/08/2023 CNL-MON1 Due: March 2024 23/10/2023 OB1 Motion on Notice: Major Events Waste Recycling 4. Requests the Administration to present a report to the Policy and Planning

2016 agenda and reports works and services committee 3225184

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caters for sporting events, and the hall is for hire. Playgroups are also available to families, and healthy eating programmes are promoted through the school including breakfast clubs. Kindy Patch

11122023 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee

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for approval in the event that no community objections are received following the consultation. 6. Approves that upon compliance with all legislative requirements necessary to facilitate the revocation

Verge Development Policy

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of the verge is altered in any other way than the approved development, Council must be notified as soon as possible. 6. To accept full responsibility for the maintenance of the verge. In the event the verge

Minor capital works grant program printable application form

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, events, or programs that may impact on the delivery of the project Why is the project needed? Eg. Does the proposed works: - eliminate/reduce risk - increase safety of participants, spectators

Body Worn Camera Policy

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of a Council election and thereafter as necessary; or • The frequency dictated in legislation; or • Earlier in the event of changes to legislation or related Policies and Procedures; or • If deemed necessary

16 05 2016 minutes budget and finance committee

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where Council is providing ‘in kind’ support to an event or activity. 8. For ease of administration staff are authorised to round fees to the nearest 5 cents, where applicable. Cr G Reynolds returned

21 01 2019 minutes works and services committee

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be presented to Council for consideration of any objections received in response to community consultation. In the event that no objections are received the Manager Property and Buildings

18 07 2016 agenda and reports budget and finance committee

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for the continuation of the Economic Investment Fund to secure new investment in South Australia by providing targeted assistance to attract business to the state. �� Marketing and Events: $6.0 million over two

2017 agenda and reports audit committee of council 3699447

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plans regarding event management have been completed in Strategic Risk 4, Lack of management of a major incident at a Council facility and/or an event, that affects public and staff safety. �� A new

2017 minutes council meeting

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to universal access); or implement additional controls and plans, such as: �� Develop an upgrade plan and time frame �� Further investigate essential upgrade items �� In the event of an earthquake consider

12 08 2019 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee

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as follows: a. 12/2019: Tyndale Christian School Inc. be awarded the amount of $2,000.00 to assist with the purchase of LED candles for the 2019 Tyndale Community Carols event as outlined

Thrive Strategy Final

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and events, or our support for community groups and initiatives, Council plays a key role in helping our residents to come together, develop a sense of community, and build physical and mental health

16 03 2020 minutes works and services committee

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. A further report be presented to Council for consideration should any objections be received. In the event that no objections are received, the Manager of Property and Buildings be authorised to prepare

FINAL 2022 Phoebe Wanganeen Scholarship Guidelines

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to the City of Salisbury successful completion of study via academic transcripts each semester and on completion of study. Other Scholarship recipients are invited to Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC events

18112024 Minutes Urban Services Committee

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. 3. Authorises that in the event that no objections are received the Chief Executive Officer or Delegate arrange all necessary documentation and consents to finalise negotiations and arrange

2018 agenda and reports youth council 3960913

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Youth Council Sub Committee Agenda - 14 August 2018 City of Salisbury Minutes of the Youth Council Sub Committee Meeting 12/06/2018 YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update May 2018 P Hyde left

Joan gibbs fire management in grass forum

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Box Woodland in the Western Parks Lands (Park 23 – Wirrarninthi). The millionth tree was planted by Premier Rann in July 2006. Fuel loads increased 2003 to 2013. • Large community planting events

20032023 Agenda and Reports Governance and Compliance Committee

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within the City of Salisbury. c. Council public consultation initiatives. d. community events within the City of Salisbury. e. City of Salisbury media notifications Due: March 2023 Deferred to: June 2023