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Showing 1421 – 1440 of 1663 results

FINAL 2022 Phoebe Wanganeen Scholarship Guidelines

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to the City of Salisbury successful completion of study via academic transcripts each semester and on completion of study. Other Scholarship recipients are invited to Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC events

11 12 2017 agenda and reports budget and finance committee

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formal applications for funding have been received for Christmas Carol Events this year and how many have we supported? The Question was taken on Notice The meeting closed at 7:32 pm. CHAIRMAN

04122023 Agenda and Reports Intercultural Strategy and Partnerships Sub Committee

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through a focus on providing events, building relationships and increasing recognition through plaques, artworks and establishing acknowledgement protocols. 1.7 This RAP has now expired

Joan gibbs fire management in grass forum

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Box Woodland in the Western Parks Lands (Park 23 – Wirrarninthi). The millionth tree was planted by Premier Rann in July 2006. Fuel loads increased 2003 to 2013. • Large community planting events

04 07 2017 agenda and reports strategic and international partnerships sub committee

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and Innovation Centre has worked to engage local firms through events, export briefings and business advisory services to consider and pursue international markets (of which China is one). While some

2018 agenda and reports youth council 3960913

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Youth Council Sub Committee Agenda - 14 August 2018 City of Salisbury Minutes of the Youth Council Sub Committee Meeting 12/06/2018 YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update May 2018 P Hyde left

Community Recreation Facilities Signage Policy

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will be limited to the term of the occupant’s leasing agreement for the facility. In the event that the facility caters to multiple users, signage approval is limited to the tenure period of each user. 5

17012022 Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Committee

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advertising encouraging people to recycle multiple masks at these locations. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC3 Youth Programs and Events Update November 2021 Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Mayor G Aldridge

2017 minutes council assessment panel

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conditions, and no runoff into neighbouring property for the major storm event ARI = 100 years. Reason: To ensure satisfactory disposal of stormwater. City of Salisbury Page 7 Council Assessment Panel

16 12 2019 minutes council meeting

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Achievements 1. That the information be received and noted. 1.1.11 Youth Programs and Events Update December 2019 1. That the information be received and noted. 1.1.12 Youth Council Membership 1

2018 minutes council meeting 3953632

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the meeting at 9.14 pm. Moved Cr D Pilkington Seconded Cr C Buchanan 1. Information be received. 2. Council provide support for the event to have up to 200 cars at Pitman Park with full responsibility

07 12 2020 agenda and reports asset management sub committee

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. Asbestos registers 3.2.4 Reactive maintenance is unplanned and can result from vandalism, break ins, weather events and unforeseen failures. These works are either undertaken by staff or by contractors

18072022 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee

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as any events being held, where possible three months in advance. Due: Deferred: Reason: July 2022 August 2022 This update report is rescheduled to August 2022 to allow Administration to include

20052024 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee

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estimates on improved lighting capability to light up the entire Community Hub building in specific colours for special occasions and events. Due: June 2024 28/08/2023 Street Tree Inspections and Pruning

19022024 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee

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. 5. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer or delegate to prepare and submit the necessary documentation to the Minister for approval in the event that no community objections are received following

2018 agenda and reports council meeting 4044210

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- Recommendations for Council Ratification Cr D Bryant declared a material conflict of interest on Item 7.2.9(a) - Community Event Sponsorship Program Applications - Round 1 – Grant No. 1/2018: Lutheran

21082023 Agenda Urban Services Committee

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. In the event objections are made on the road closure, a further report will be presented to Council following the public consultation period for consideration of any objections. Due: September 2023 26/6

2018 agenda and reports council meeting

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a collaborative event series with the members of the working group. Community Development will work in collaboration to deliver a range of experiences for the community which commemorate

19 08 2019 agenda and reports works and services committee

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consultation. In the event that no objections are received the Manager Property and Buildings be authorised to prepare and submit the necessary documentation to the Minister for approval. CARRIED Public Works

2018 minutes policy and planning committee 3885935

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Salisbury Secret Garden program to assist with attracting sponsorship, securing partners and ensuring the strategic alignment of the event with Council’s vision. 3. The 2019 Salisbury Secret Garden