Showing 1461 – 1480 of 1663 results
28022022 Minutes Council Meeting Amended 04032022
1.2.1-YC3 Future Reports for the Youth Council Sub Committee Moved Cr D Hood Seconded Cr L Braun That Council: 1. Notes the report. CARRIED 1230/2022 1.2.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update
28022021 Minutes Council Meeting
1.2.1-YC3 Future Reports for the Youth Council Sub Committee Moved Cr D Hood Seconded Cr L Braun That Council: 1. Notes the report. CARRIED 1230/2022 1.2.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update
Cap operating procedures updated 29 04 21
, with the intent of ensuring well-informed decisions and debate leading to a determination of any maters before the Panel. 3.9. The Presiding Member may adjourn a meeting in the event of a disruption
28 06 2021 minutes council meeting
Council Sub Committee 1. The information is received. YC2 Youth Programs and Events Update May 2021 1. The information is received and noted. YC3 Youth Council Membership 1. Uyen Tran be appointed
2016 agenda and reports program review sub committee
Manages Council’s security functions 3 including building patrols, CCTV, event security and meeting security Graffiti Includes the management of 20 2.5 volunteers and Council’s in house response
17072023 Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Committee
League (AFL) Gather Round event will take place in South Australia until 2026. 2. Requests the Mayor to consider writing to the Mayor of Playford to offer support to the AFL Gather Round event, noting
16 07 2018 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
Community Capacity and Learning be delegated authority to:- �� assess events and functions to be held at the Para Hills Community Hub to determine whether the booking is low or high risk and vary hire
Footpath trading policy 2019 as approved february 2019
and Special Events Service authorities or Council may require the use of a site to undertake works or maintenance works. When this, or any parade, festival or special event is scheduled
COVID Safe Plan Jack Young Centre
other and particularly from other attendees, because of increased droplet spread during these activities. Remove shared water stations. Consider limiting the duration of events to no more than 2 hours
15 09 2020 agenda and reports tourism and visitor sub committee
as follows: 2. CONSULTATION / COMMUNICATION 2.1 Internal 2.1.1 Acting Team Leader, Events 2.1.2 Team Leader Parks and Open Space Assets Page 10 Tourism and Visitor Sub Committee Agenda - 15 September
COVID Safe Plan Pine Lakes Centre
limiting the duration of events to no more than 2 hours. Indoor public meetings – hygiene � � � Avoid using shared plates of food, including by participants. Advise participants to bring their own equipment
Youth strategic action plan 2017 2021
interesting cultural stories and ways that we do things, it would be great for everyone to see this and to bring different cultures together” (Young people identified intercultural events and activities
City of Salisbury Burning in the Open Information Sheet
Officer 16. If a permit is issued you must: (a) notify the Council on 8406 8222 prior to lighting the fire. (b) keep your permit with you while the fire is burning in the event of inspections. 17. Non
16 04 2018 minutes budget and finance committee
, and � OPN182 – City of Salisbury Events on the basis of being a member of the governing body of the Salisbury Business Association. Cr Balaza managed the conflict by remaining in the meeting and voting
18022025 Minutes Comunity Wellbeing and Sport Committee
No. 35/2024-25: The Para Hills Wanderers Netball Club Grant application: to the value of $3,521 for assistance with their 50 th Year Anniversary event. 5.1.3 Minor Capital Works Grant Application
2018 minutes policy and planning committee 3916891
Programs and Events Update May 2018 Moved Cr S White Seconded Cr L Caruso 1. That the information is received and noted. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC5 Youth Council Community Hub Update Moved Cr S White Seconded
16082021 Agenda and Reports Finance and Corporate Services Committee
Committee as a result of a Council resolution. Meeting - Heading and Resolution Item 22/02/2021 Event Management Framework & Room Booking Fees & Charges, Salisbury Community Hub 2.1.2 1. That the update
COVID Safe Plan Paralowie Garden
the duration of events to no more than 2 hours. Indoor public meetings – hygiene � � � Avoid using shared plates of food, including by participants. Advise participants to bring their own equipment where
COVID Safe Plan Para Hills Senior Centre
of events to no more than 2 hours. Indoor public meetings – hygiene � � � Avoid using shared plates of food, including by participants. Advise participants to bring their own equipment where practical
16 10 2017 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
of the Elected Member Weekend Workshop will be provided closer to the event. 3.3 A series of Council workshops and meetings are proposed between March and June. Public consultation of the Annual Plan