Showing 1501 – 1520 of 1663 results
2019 agenda and reports policy and planning committee 4236794
. The workshop was hosted by Jon Dee, Anchor Host and writer of Smart Money on Sky News. The workshop was a free event which showed households and businesses practical ways that they can reduce
20 04 2020 agenda and reports resources governance committee
their duties, including: 3.9.1 Free or subsidised meals, beverages or refreshments of reasonable value provided in conjunction with: Council work related events such as training, education sessions
2017 minutes council meeting 3521770
. In the event that a financial contribution is sought by the LGA a further evaluation of the support to be provided will be undertaken by Council. 4. It be noted that the LGA will continue to work with all
16102023 Agenda and Reports Governance and Compliance Committee
and all persons using Council facilities or participating in a community program or event. D - DEFINITIONS 1. For the purpose of this document, employees, volunteers, contractors and labour hire
26 07 2021 agenda and reports council meeting
Reynolds (Chair) p.85 7.01 Actions List 7.0.2 Future Reports for the Audit Committee 7.1.1 Bentley's Interim Report on Audit Findings 7.1.2 Internal Audit Report on Events Incident Management Framework Audit
15112021 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee
education programs being undertaken throughout the City as well as any events being held, where possible three months in advance. Due: December 2021 28/06/2021 Cobbler Creek Trail, Salisbury Heights Craig
2017 agenda and reports council meeting 3569823
to community consultation. In the event that no objections are received the Manager Property and Buildings be authorised to prepare and submit the necessary documentation to the Minister for approval. 2.5.3
2018 3795232
DEPUTATIONS DEP1 City Wide Events Strategy Mr David Waylen, Executive Officer, Salisbury Business Association will be in attendance in relation to a city wide events strategy. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES
2016 agenda and reports council meeting 3210177
provisions in section 90 of the Local Government Act 1999 relating to the adoption of an Informal Gatherings Policy. 3.6.2 Summary of Attendance at Event - Cr Bryant - Public Speaking It is recommended
2016 agenda and reports development assessment panel 3156930
of any insanitary condition, and no runoff into neighbouring property for the major storm event ARI – 100 years. Reason: To ensure flood protection of buildings. 7. The boundary walls of the existing
14 09 2020 agenda and reports asset management sub committee
out into in major storm events. The basin experiences a peak depth of between 750mm to 1000mm, in a 1 in 100 year event. 1.4 Parks and Open Space Assets have approached Salisbury Water, to understand
200603 city plan stage 2 engagement feedback
companies to encourage tourism and major events to the city. » 3. Working with Council, local business and historical associations to integrate mobile device applications into wayfinding and exploration
2016 agenda and reports strategic property development sub committee 3340151
trails are open will be distributed to the surrounding community including an invitation for residents to attend a project completion celebration event planned to be held in September. Page 20 City
15 02 2021 agenda and reports urban services committee
is delegated to authorise disposal of land as outlined in the report if there are no objections raised as part of the consultation process. In the event objections are made on the road closure
22 01 2018 agenda and reports works and services committee
of any objections received. In the event that no objections are received, the Manager Property and Buildings be authorised to prepare and submit the necessary documentation to the Minster for approval
08052023 Agenda Asset Management Sub Committee
and with an approximate footprint of 450-500m 2 • Other community facilities such as sports clubrooms and off street carparking that support events. Page 12 Asset Management Sub Committee Agenda - 8 May 2023
17 05 2021 agenda and reports policy and planning committee
is received and noted. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC3 Youth Programs and Events Update March 2021 Moved Cr P Jensen Seconded Cr D Hood 1. The information is received and noted. CARRIED YC-OB1 Resignation of Luke
Local Government Act - Order Making Policy
; or • The frequency dictated in legislation; or • Earlier in the event of changes to legislation or related Policies and Procedures; or • If deemed necessary by Council. Further Information For further
Pack h1pest id and management 25 nov 2020
plants in and around your vegetable patch. Having a good plan for your garden will help you develop an effective system, as will being in your garden to observe events, then adapting gardening
2016 agenda and reports youth council
; �� �� �� Refugee Week Soccer Carnival; NAIDOC Week Laneway event; and Multicultural Youth Forum, John Harvey Gallery. 2.5 Upcoming consultations are booked for Salisbury and Para Hills High Schools