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Showing 1581 – 1600 of 1663 results

15 08 2016 agenda and reports works and services committee

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2.5.3 3. A further report be presented to Council for consideration of any objections received. In the event no objections are received, the Manager Property Services be authorised to prepare

16 05 2016 agenda and reports budget and finance committee

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and Charges Booklet (for example, extended booking of a Council facility) and to waive or vary the requirement for payment of a fee, charge or bond where Council is providing ‘in kind’ support to an event

Clever solutions for savvy seniors

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personal choices, life events, a supportive environment, strong community connections and a health system that contributes and supports the pursuit of independence. The resource Clever Solutions for Savvy

21032022 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee

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of the sustainability education programs being undertaken throughout the City as well as any events being held, where possible three months in advance. Due: July 2022 20/12/2021 Use of Synthetic Turf on Football Fields

15 07 2019 agenda and reports resources and governance committee

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its Operating Procedures, it could not direct it to do so. In the event of such a request being made, it would require careful consideration by the CAP. The advice indicates that the difficulties

Policy and Planning Committee Meeting Agenda 19 June 2023

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. Notes the recent confirmation that the Australian Football League (AFL) Gather Round event will take place in South Australia until 2026. 2. Notes the potential for a Gather Round game in the Barossa

16 07 2018 agenda and reports works and services committee

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2.5.1 3. A further report be presented to Council for consideration of any objections received. In the event that no objections are received the Manager Property and Buildings be authorised to prepare

2018 minutes council assessment panel 3953216

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) Measures to eliminate drag-out from the site during wet weather events. 2. Final stormwater management plan and accompanying stormwater design calculations, prepared by a qualified and experienced

22 06 2020 minutes council meeting

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Reports for the Youth Council Sub Committee 1. The information be received. Youth Council Projects Update 1. That the information be received and noted. Youth Programs and Events Update April – June 2020 1

18032024 Agenda and Reports CEO Review Committee

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events to maintain and if necessary enhance the Council’s public profile within the community and amongst stakeholders; • ensuring Council activities and initiatives are appropriately promoted

17 10 2016 agenda and reports budget and finance committee

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facilities within the city. Further details on the structure and content of the Elected Member Weekend Workshop will be provided closer to the event. 3.3 A series of Council workshops and meetings

2016 agenda and reports works and services committee 3414688

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Drive Reserve Thuyen Vi-Alternetti 2.5.1 6. In the event that objections to Joint Use Agreement with Temple Christian College and Licence Agreement with Bethany Christian School for the purpose

Wellness workbook for savvy seniors

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to be involved in groups, volunteer programs or multicultural events. Involvement with your own culture can be very rewarding; giving freedom to retain, interpret and express arts, history, heritage

2016 agenda and reports council meeting 3351903

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in the meeting in the event that the Chairman is not satisfied with the location or actions of the elected member; and b. Steps that should be taken by the Committee Chairman and an elected member who

15 04 2019 agenda and reports works and services committee

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. A further report be presented to Council for consideration of any objections received in response to community consultation. In the event that no objections are received the Manager Property

2016 agenda and reports resources and governance committee 3224644

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of the Resources and Governance Committee Meeting 21/03/2016 CARRIED 3.6.2 Summary of Attendance at Event - Cr Bryant - Public Speaking Moved Cr D Bryant Seconded Cr R Cook 1. The information be received

21 03 2016 agenda and reports budget and finance committee

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the January to March period is anticipated to be slightly higher than predicted given continued dry weather conditions during January and early February. An intense summer storm event was recorded in late

16102023 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee

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options and cost estimates on improved lighting capability to light up the entire Community Hub building in specific colours for special occasions and events. Due: November 2023 24/7/23 Motion on Notice

18 03 2019 agenda and reports works and services committee

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for consideration of any objections received in response to community consultation. In the event that no objections are received the Manager Property and Buildings be authorised to prepare and submit

21102024 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee

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on improved lighting capability to light up the entire Community Hub building in specific colours for special occasions and events. Due: November 2024 28/08/2023 Street Tree Inspections and Pruning