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Showing 1581 – 1600 of 3595 results

17012022 Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Committee

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to the proposed development of a service station and seventeen (17) homes on Kings Road, in context of the existing traffic congestion and the need for the State Government to invest in the upgrade

2017 minutes council assessment panel

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Mr D Wallace (Presiding Member) Mr R Bateup Ms L Caruso(arrived 6.12pm) Ms S Johnston Mr J Watson STAFF General Manager City Development, Mr T Sutcliffe Manager Development Services, Mr C Zafiropoulos

04 07 2017 agenda and reports strategic and international partnerships sub committee

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(Sporting Club Representative) Mr Christopher Moore (Rotary Representative) Fr Roderick O'Brien (Community Representative) Mr Pat Trimboli (Service Club Representative) Mrs Heather Vogt (High School

Salisbury Water Information Brochure 2021 2022

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188 of the Local Government Act 1999 and the guidelines set out by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA). It takes into account the costs of building, operating and renewing

Prudential Management Policy

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or assuming a liability, or accepting an asset. This should not be interpreted to mean that all Council activities are “projects”. Regular, ongoing deliveries of Council services are not “new and discrete

Footpath Policy

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that is convenient, safe, and easy to use. 5.3 As a general principle, Council will renew/repair failing infrastructure before providing new infrastructure. 5.4 The nominal minimum level of service for a new

Section 194 Report Salisbury Recreation Precinct

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services This Masterplan identified that the Salisbury Oval precinct will continue to have an important role to play in the provision of open space and passive recreation facilities within the area

Environmental Sustainability and Trees Sub Committee Terms of Reference

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1.1 The Environmental Sustainability and Trees Sub Committee is established under section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 as a sub committee reporting to the Urban Services Committee
Services Environment Sustainability Street Tree Jacaranda 02

Street Tree Renewal Program

Services Street Tree Renewal Program On this page 2022/23 Street Renewal Program Selected Streets Frequently Asked Questions The City of Salisbury’s Tree Management Policy provides strategic
Development Council Major Strategic Property Walkleys Road Corridor

Walkleys Road Corridor FAQ

or infrastructure on it, reflecting its original purpose as a road reserve. When developed for housing the financial return will be retained by Council and used to invest in more community services

2016 minutes development assessment panel 3236773

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Johnston Mr J Watson Mr S White STAFF General Manager City Development, Mr T Sutcliffe Manager Development Services, Mr C Zafiropoulos Team Leader – Planning, Mr A Curtis Minutes - Development

Stc transport assessment report july 2012

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Transport 11. Public Transport is a key component of the Town Centre, and its integration into the Structure Plan is critical. DPTI’s Public Transport Services Division provided input into the preferred

08 04 2019 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee

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for the Sport, Recreation and Grants Committee Joy Rowett, Governance Coordinator, CEO and Governance 4.3 Have robust processes that support consistent service delivery and informed decision making. This item
Community Healthy Health Services Public Health

Swimming Pools and Spas

Services Swimming Pools and Spas Swimming pool and spa safety: healthy water Swimming pools and spas need regular maintenance and water treatment to avoid becoming a breeding place for harmful
Services Pets Animals

Pets and Animals

Services Pets and Animals Dogs Information for residents about dogs and dog ownership. Dog On and Off Leash Areas Cats The City of Salisbury invests significantly in animal management programs
Image of Elected Member Cr Lauren Brug

Cr Lauren Brug

Committee Memberships: Standing Committees Finance and Corporate Services Committee (Deputy Presiding Member) Governance and Compliance Committee Innovation and Business Development Committee Policy
Services Salisbury Water New Connections

Salisbury Water - Meter Reading Request Form

Services Salisbury Water - Meter Reading Request Form I would like to request a Salisbury Water meter reading Purpose for meter reading Sale of property * Yes No Reason for meter reading * Date
Services Environment Sustainability Wetlands Water Flood Management

Flood Management

Services Flood Management A comprehensive review of flood preparedness and updated stormwater modelling by the City of Salisbury has confirmed that the actions being rolled out across the City
Parks Noack Place Reserve 1

Noack Reserve New Playspace

playspace at Noack Reserve, Noack Place, Pooraka. This location has been identified to meet playspace service level provisions within the catchment area. Residents are encouraged to contribute
Services Environment Sustainability Resources Links Wetlands

Sustainability Resources and Links

Services Sustainability Resources and Links The following online resources provide for further information about local, state and Commonwealth sustainability, climate change and initiatives aimed