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Services Environment Sustainability Biodiversity Open Space Birds

Biodiversity and Open Space

The City of Salisbury's Biodiversity and Open Space Policy Direction is to conserve and promote biodiversity, natural habitat and open space and to provide sustainable open space and recreation facilities.

Salisbury aims to implement best practice in provision and sustainable management of landscapes, open space and recreation areas. This includes the completion and application of the City Landscape Plan and Game Plan which incorporate issues such as species selection, sustainable water use and maintenance, conserving remnant vegetation corridors and biodiversity areas as well as rationalisation of open space and recreation areas.

Council actively investigates opportunities to increase biodiversity and access to open space and recreation areas via land use planning controls and guidelines. This incorporates strengthening landscaping provisions of residential, commercial and industrial lands as well as providing guidance about plant selections and retention of significant trees.

In addition, these strategies consider providing functional open space and recreational opportunities in appropriate locations to encourage use and participation.

Council works to develop and foster partnerships with relevant stakeholders and Government authorities to encourage eco-tourism to promote habitats of high biodiversity value and recreational opportunities.

By promoting our natural environment we can create both economic and community opportunities as well as investing in the image of the City.

Such activities include promotion of the Watershed and wetland trails as well as our linear trails along rivers and creeks.

Salisbury continues to promote community awareness and education about the benefits of conserving and participating in biodiversity projects throughout the City.

Through both active participation and providing support to programs such as the Urban Forest Biodiversity Program and Million Trees, Council can act in partnership with not only the community, but also other levels of Government to increase and link biodiversity corridors over private and public lands.

Download the Biodiversity Corridors Action Plan

*This is a large PDF and is best suited to be downloaded on a computer rather than a mobile device.

Recommended websites for more information and ways you can get involved