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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Parks Springbank Boulevard Reserve South 18

Salisbury Stormwater Harvesting

The City of Salisbury is now focused on taking stormwater harvesting and recycling to the next level - developing and expanding the distribution network to provide high quality recycled water (Salisbury Water) throughout the City of Salisbury and beyond.

In June 2009 the City of Salisbury secured $6.55m in grant funding under the Federal Government's Water for the Future - National Water Security Plan for Cities and Towns' program for the Salisbury Stormwater Harvesting (SSH) Project. The SSH project expands on Salisbury's stormwater projects undertaken through the Waterproofing Northern Adelaide initiative.

SSH will involve substantial harvesting and ASR capacity building and aims to harvest up to 6.3GL of stormwater per year that is currently discharged to the Gulf St Vincent. Stormwater will be harvested from the Helps Road Drain at Summers Road and will be cleansed in a new high capacity wetland to be constructed on the Jobson Road Reserve, west of Port Wakefield Road. The Whites Road Wetlands on the Little Para River will be further developed to facilitate harvesting and a new ASR facility will be constructed at the Daniels Reserve at Globe Derby Park.

In addition the project will provide infrastructure to deliver recycled water to the City of Salisbury Council area and will also connect to the Waterproofing Northern Adelaide recycled water distribution mains.

The Salisbury Stormwater Harvesting project was completed in June 2012.