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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Community Healthy Health Services Food Safety

Food Safety: Home business

Home based businesses - general guidelines

A home based business is able to be conducted from your home, provided it does not create repeated, prolonged or loud noise, produce smoke, fumes, dust, odours or increase traffic in the street by delivery vehicles or the parking of clients.

Schedule 1 of the Development Regulations 1993 states that a home activity means the use of a site by a person resident on the site, that does not detrimentally affect the amenity of the locality or any part of the locality; and that does not require or involve:

  • assistance by more than one person who is not a resident of the dwelling
  • a floor area greater than 30m2 (whether temporarily or permanently)
  • any source of power, other than an electric motor, of not more than 0.4 kilowatts
  • the imposition on the services provided by any public utility or organisation which has a demand or load greater than that which is ordinarily imposed by other users of the services in the locality
  • the display of goods in a window or about the dwelling or its curtilage (surrounds)
  • the use of a vehicle exceeding three tonne tare in weight
  • the display of an advertising sign greater than 0.2m2 (45cm x 45cm) in size.

Food-related businesses

Any activity involving the preparation, storage or transport of food that is intended for sale, or the sale of food, must be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Food Act 2001, Food Regulations 2002 and the Food Safety Standards.

Under the requirements of the Food Act 2001, all businesses undertaking food handling activities or selling food are required to notify their Local Council (the enforcement agency) of their food business details on the approved food business notification form.

Download the Food Business Notification form

Businesses are required to notify of their operations within 14 days of beginning operations; changes in ownership or contact information; and when the business ceases to operate. Operating a food business without notifying Council, and or with sub standard or non compliant premises is an offence and penalties can apply.

For more information


Guidelines for Home Based Food Businesses

Online resources:

Contact City of Salisbury Public and Environmental Health Services

34 Church Street Salisbury SA 5108

  • Phone: (08) 8406 8222
  • Fax: (08) 82815466