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Food Safety: Food Business Notification

Under the requirements of the Food Act 2001, all businesses undertaking food handling activities or selling food (other than a primary food production business) are required to notify their Local Council. The Food Business Notification Form PDF Food Business Notification Form PDF can be downloaded and should be returned to:

City of Salisbury Public and Environmental Health Services
34 Church Street
Salisbury SA 5108
T: 8406 8222
F: 82815466

Notification is a requirement regardless of whether the business, enterprise or activity concerned is of a commercial, charitable or community nature or whether it involves the handling or sale of food on one occasion only.

Businesses that are required to notify, must do so within 14 days of beginning operations; changes in ownership or contact information; and when the business ceases to operate. Operating a food business without notifying Council, and or with sub standard or non compliant premises is an offence and penalties can apply.

Mobile food businesses will notify the council in which the vehicle is normally garaged. You need only complete the notification process ONCE unless your details change.