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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


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High Risk Manufactured Water Systems

Cooling Towers, Evaporative Condensers & Warm Water Systems

(High Risk Manufactured Water Systems)


High risk manufactured water systems must be operated and maintained in accordance with the South Australian Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013, Australian Standards and the Guidelines for the Control of Legionella in Manufactured Water Systems in South Australia.

The Legionella Regulations and Guidelines prescribe the management requirements, for the owners and operators, of warm water systems and cooling water systems (cooling towers and evaporative condensers) in non-domestic premises.

Key Australian Standards under the Regulations include:

  • Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS) 3666: Air-handling and water systems of buildings – Microbial Control, Parts 1, 2 and 3
  • Handbook SAA/SNZ HB32, Control of microbial growth in air-handling and water systems of buildings

To purchase the Australian Standards please visit the Standards Australia website.

Registration of High Risk Manufactured Water Systems

The Legionella Regulations prescribe registration of high risk manufactured water systems with the Council where the system is located. Registration / registration renewal fees apply in accordance with the Legionella Regulations.

For all Registration enquiries contact Council’s Environmental Health Service on 8406 8222.

Annual Compliance Inspections and Sampling

The Regulations prescribe mandatory annual inspections of high risk manufactured water systems.

Businesses with registered high risk manufactured water systems are required to appoint an independent competent person to complete their annual compliance inspection and sampling.

Mandatory Reporting Requirements for Legionella Detections

Under the Regulations, businesses with high risk manufactured water systems are required to notify Council within 24 hours of receiving a laboratory report indicating the presence of Legionella at:

  • 10 cfu/mL or greater in a water sample from a warm water system, or
  • 1000 cfu/mL or greater in a water sample from a cooling water system

Notification Form:

De-Commissioning or Removal of a High Risk Manufactured Water System

The South Australian Public Health (Legionella) Regulations 2013 requires the owner of the premises on which a high risk manufactured water system is located to notify the relevant authority (City of Salisbury) within 1 month of the decommissioning or removal of the high risk manufactured system

If your system has been de-commissioned or removed, please completed the form below or contact and Environmental Health Officer at the City of Salisbury to have a form posted to you.

Notification form

For further information

Please visit the SA Health website – Legionella information

For enquiries

Please contact City of Salisbury Environmental Health Department on 8406 8222.