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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Community Healthy Health Services Mental Drug Services

Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services in Salisbury and Playford

Between 2011-2014 the University of Adelaide and partners (including the City of Salisbury) conducted the ‘Stopping the run around’ Comorbidity Action in the North (CAN) research project.

One outcome of the project is an electronic resource titled. ‘2014 Directory of Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Services in Salisbury and Playford’. This easy-to-use directory contains the range of government and non-government Mental Health, Alcohol and other drugs and Problem Gambling services available in the Salisbury and Playford areas.

It was developed in response to the many CAN participants who told us about the need for an easily accessible, culturally appropriate information resource of local Mental health and Alcohol and other drugs services, and particular programs such as for Youth, Older Adults, problem gambling, refugees, and the Aboriginal community.

Download the directory here.