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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Community Healthy Health Services Public Health

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can never be entirely eradicated, and while the City of Salisbury is committed to checking and treating common breeding grounds on public land, different species breed in different areas and all sorts of water bodies so it is important that you protect yourself from mosquitoes by covering up, using repellent and eliminating local breeding.

This year’s climate outlook and increased rainfall will have a direct impact on a range of areas including the level of mosquito activity. During spring and summer, we expect to see an increased level of mosquito activity across all of the City of Salisbury’s suburbs, especially those in close proximity to the coastal environments, brackish water catchments and local stormwater catchments. Find out more here.

Quick facts

  • Mosquitoes breed in calm water. One small pool of water may produce thousands of mosquitoes each week.
  • Only female mosquitoes bite. They bite to get your blood to be able to produce eggs and breed.
  • Mosquitoes can carry diseases such as Ross River Virus.

Are you breeding your own mosquitoes?

What can we as a community do to control mosquitoes and stop them from breeding? You can start in your own backyard by recognising and controlling breeding sites.

  • Throw away any unwanted containers which hold water (eg- old tyres, drums, pot plant bases etc).
  • Seal or cover all openings in rainwater tanks to stop mosquitoes from getting in.
  • Make sure roof gutters are not holding water. Clean gutters out regularly.
  • Continuously filter and chlorinate swimming pool water. Unchlorinated pools allow breeding.
  • Empty pot plant drip trays once a week or fill them with sand.


  • Check that fly screens around the home are fitted appropriately and do not have large holes.
  • Avoid outdoor activities at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
  • When you are outside and mosquitoes are present, wear light-coloured, loose long-sleeved shirts and long, loose pants and apply an insect repellent.
  • A tropical-strength insect repellent is the most effective protection for uncovered skin. Tropical strength repellents contain a chemical barrier that blocks the sensors of mosquitoes. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when using any type of insect repellent.
  • Mosquito coils and citronella candles are also effective for discouraging unwelcome mosquito visitors at barbecues or other outdoor activities.

For further information and assistance call the City of Salisbury, Public and Environmental Health Section on 8406 8222.

Fight the bite

Further useful information on protecting yourself from mosquitoes is available on the SA Health website.

Mosquito management

The City of Salisbury recognises that undertaking a mosquito control program including the surveillance and control of mosquitoes is a key strategy to manage and minimise the public health effects and nuisance issues associated with mosquitoes. The steps and actions carried out by the City of Salisbury can be found in the City of Salisbury's Mosquito Management Plan.

City of Salisbury's Mosquito Management Plan

Mosquito control is focused on the coastal environments of St Kilda and Globe Derby Park and adjacent suburbs where mosquito activity can be high. St Kilda and Globe Derby Park in particular are adjacent to an extensive region of both mangrove and samphire swamps.

This area provides important environmental habitat, however, it also provides for significant mosquito breeding activity. The habitats for mosquitoes include a number of samphire swamps and intertidal zones which provide pools of water suited to mosquito breeding. In addition, Globe Derby Park is a low-lying area and environmental factors provide ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

The Council's ongoing commitment to the management of mosquitoes includes the treatment of known breeding sites as well as monitoring adult mosquito numbers and environmental factors (such as rainfall) in order to best address the concern. In addition, the mangrove and samphire swamp areas to the west of Globe Derby include private and Crown Land that is treated by SA Health as part of their annual mosquito control program.

Latest news / newsletters / fact sheets and further information

Aerial larviciding in the Globe Derby Park Mosquito Management Program

Horse SA - UniSA Biting Fly Fact Sheet

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