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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Services Pets Animals Cats 01


Homeless cats

The Dog and Cat Management Board has launched a new campaign and website to address homeless cats, Dog and Cat The website provides helpful information and suggestions about what we can all do to reduce the number of homeless cats in our state. Homeless cats are usually domestic cats who are lost or abandoned. Many are frequently or infrequently fed by well-intentioned animal lovers, but unfortunately, this behaviour perpetuates a lifestyle of danger, disease, discomfort and illness. The site also encourages you to join the discussion, share your insights, and see what other like-minded cat lovers are saying on the forum.

Council works with the Animal Welfare League (AWL) to reunite cats with their owners and or rehome cats wherever possible, the AWL provides the following advice and weblinks that can assist you in this situation:

Community members who have found a vulnerable cat(s)and/or kitten(s) should check if they have any visible forms of ID (collar, ID tag etc.) and if so, they should contact the owner. If not, they can call the AWL 08 8348 1300 to arrange for the animal to come into care or visit Animal Welfare League for further information.

If the animal has been subjected to suspected cruelty, and or is injured and unable to be safely transported, please contact RSPCA’s Animal Ambulance on 1300 477 722.

Nuisance cats

Responsible ownership is an important part of having a pet. We invest significantly in animal management programs and encourage responsible cat ownership. When cats are recognised as a nuisance, and the owners/property can be identified, we can proceed to investigate the complaint.

Information that is required before an investigation will commence is:

  • A written complaint clearly identifying the cat and where it comes from and the action you have taken to discuss this with your neighbour to come to a neighbourly resolution.
  • Proof of the cat that is creating a nuisance in the complainant's property - this can be in the form of photographs of the nuisance cat's behaviour in your property.
  • Further information will be required as the investigations begins and you may be required in court if the situation escalates.

Cat cages

At present there is no ongoing service for unidentified trapped cats to be relocated for rehoming or claiming by owners.

The supporting shelter agencies used by Council are at capacity and have a limited services available. Therefore, anyone that is having a concern with nuisance cats is asked to try and identify if the cat is owned and advise Council who owns the cat to address nuisances. However, if unidentified or you don’t know where the cat comes form, you can contact the Animal Welfare League and they will advise when their service is available which includes the provision of traps. The AWL will only accept cats that have been trapped in AWL cat traps issued by them. Please contact the Animal Welfare League on 08 8438 1300 for more information.

Other contacts

Animal Welfare League
1-19 Cormack Road, Wingfield
Tel: (08) 8348 1300
Open: 10am to 4pm, seven days a week (except Christmas Day)

25 Meyer Road, Lonsdale
Cat Shelter Tel: (08) 8382 9962
Open 10am-5pm weekdays, and 10am-2pm weekends and Public Holidays.

If you would like further information about the above, contact the Community Compliance Team at Council on 8406 8221.