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Services Rates Calculator

Rates Calculator

Our easy-to-use Rate Calculator will help you make informed decisions about rate issues. In order to arrive at a calculation, you will need to provide the following information.

The value of the property

This can be found on your Council Rates, SA Water or Emergency Services Accounts. If it is a new property that you are wishing to purchase, the sale price is a good indicator of the value. Click in the blank field provided and type in the whole dollar value, with or without a dollar sign.

The type of property

From the drop-down menu accessible by clicking on the down pointing arrow, select the description that most closely matches the property about which you are enquiring.

The choices are:

  • Residential/Primary Production
  • Vacant Land: land where no structure has been erected.
  • Commercial/Industrial

How rates are calculated

How much you pay in rates is determined by the property values in your area. The property values used by the City of Salisbury are independently set by the State Valuer-General.

In simple terms, the formula used by Council to calculate rates is:

  • Total rate revenue required / Total value of rateable properties = Rate in the dollar
  • The rate in the dollar determines how much you pay according to how much your property is worth.
    • For example: $450,000 (value of home) x 0.003109 (rate in the dollar) = $1,399.05
    • Once you have completed the two boxes select the Calculate button and the rates information will be displayed.
    • The City of Salisbury minimum rate is $1,228.

Exclusions from this Calculator

Please note that this calculator does not include a calculation for any rate capping applicable to a particular property.

Rate Capping does not apply to assessments where:

  • There has been growth (e.g. where development has occurred, such as the building of a second story on a property)
  • A correction has been made to a valuation by the Office of the Valuer General.
  • Changes in land use (e.g. from Vacant Land to Residential Property); or
  • Where a property transfer has occurred.

Regional Landscape Levy

Regional Landscape Levy (RL Levy) and is still a State Government Levy collected by Councils on behalf of the State Government.

More information regarding the Regional Landscape Levy can be found here.

Rates Calculator