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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Services Salisbury Water Watering

My Salisbury Water account

Salisbury Water pricing details

The pricing of Salisbury Water is set by Council in accordance with section 188 of the Local Government Act 1999 and takes into account the costs associated with building, operating and renewing the infrastructure required to capture, treat and distribute Salisbury Water to its customers.

There are currently two charges relating to the usage of Salisbury Water:

  1. Usage charge – a rate per kilolitre used.
    As of 1 July 2024 the standard Salisbury Water rate is $3.03 per kilolitre.
  2. Residential supply charge – a fixed rate of $10 per quarter.
    This supply charge is to cover the cost of a cross-connection audit by Council’s licensed plumbers, which are provided every five years.

The full set of fees and charges are published in Council’s Fees and Charges that is available below. Council’s pricing schedule is set out in accordance with the regulatory requirements set by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia.

Billing and meter reading cycles

Salisbury Water meters are read on an annual basis at a minimum.

We ask that you (or your tenants) self-read your meter up to three times per year and provide this reading to us via phone, email or post. A Salisbury Water meter reading notice card will be sent directly to your property and will include the date the meter reading is due. If we do not receive your reading by the due date, we will estimate your usage for the quarter. This self-read process is a good way for you to become familiar with your usage patterns and can potentially help you detect if you have a leak.

For more information on where to find your meter and how to take a reading, please refer to How to Read your Salisbury Water Meter

We will issue you with a bill at least quarterly, unless otherwise agreed by you. Each account will contain the water usage charges for the previous three months and the residential supply charge if applicable. Should we be unable to provide an actual meter reading we will provide an estimated reading.

Please note Salisbury Water accounts are separate from your Salisbury rates and will come on a separate account.

Payment options

Council is able to offer a range of payment options to customers. These include:

  • Pay online: Call 1300 401 579 and pay using Mastercard or Visa.
  • City of Salisbury customer centre: Present your Salisbury Water account in person with your payment to: City of Salisbury, 34 Church Street, Salisbury (8.30am – 5pm weekdays). Cash, cheque or credit card accepted.
  • Pay by mail: Post your remittance slip and a cheque marked “not negotiable’ and made payable to City of Salisbury. PO Box 8, Salisbury SA 5108.
    Note: Receipts issued upon request. Post dated cheques not accepted.
  • BPay: (minimum payment of $5 applies)
    Contact your bank, credit union or building society to make your payment.
    More info can be found on the BPay website
    Quote BPay Code: 8649
    Assessment number: [Located on your Salisbury Water bill]

What if I can’t pay my account?

If you are experiencing financial difficulties and are unable to pay your account by the due date you are urged to contact Council as soon as possible to discuss your individual situation. Council will work with you to develop a payment plan to suit your personal situation.

Alternatively, if you are a residential customer you may be eligible to apply for the Salisbury Water Hardship Program.

If you are experiencing hardship and would like to apply for the Salisbury Water Hardship Program, please contact Salisbury Water

Restriction of flow

We will only restrict the flow of Salisbury Water to your property if you meet certain criteria as outlined in the Salisbury Water Flow Restriction Policy for Residential Customers.

Compliments, comments and complaints

At the City of Salisbury we value your opinion and feedback. For more information, please refer to the Salisbury Water Customer Enquiry, Complaint, Disputes Procedures

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