What is Salisbury Water?
Salisbury Water is the term used for the City of Salisbury’s recycled non-drinking water that is distributed to our parks, reserves, schools, industry and some new residential sub-divisions. Salisbury Water is primarily recycled water and native groundwater which is treated to a standard fit for purpose as defined in the National Stormwater Guidelines.
What can I use Salisbury Water for?
Salisbury Water CAN be used for the following:
- Toilet flushing
- Washing cars
- Garden irrigation
- Filling ornamental ponds
- Other industrial uses
Salisbury Water CANNOT be used for:
- Drinking (human and animal consumption)
- Cooking or other kitchen purposes
- Personal washing eg baths, showers, hand basins and bidets
- Evaporative coolers
- Washing clothes
- Indoor household cleaning
- Filling swimming pools and spas
- Recreation activities involving water contact eg children playing under sprinklers
- Washing of pets
What are the benefits of using Salisbury Water?
Customers using Salisbury Water are contributing to multiple benefits to both the local community and the wider region.
Some of the benefits include:
- Reduced demand on existing water resources such as the Murray River and the Adelaide Hills Water Catchments
- Increased local biodiversity through the establishment of over 50 wetlands
- Reducing the volume of stormwater run-off and helping to protect the sensitive marine environment of the Barker Inlet in Gulf St Vincent
- Increased opportunities for environmental education and research – helping to ensure Salisbury Water contributes to the broader goal of a sustainable city.
- By using Salisbury Water to irrigate council sportsfields, parks and ovals we are helping to keep the City green.
- The establishment of more than 50 wetlands in the Council area and the use of Salisbury Water for irrigating City of Salisbury landscapes have made our City a more beautiful place to live and have provided unique recreational activities.
- Salisbury Water use is not restricted, even during drought periods, which means grassy areas can continue to flourish and be used for both passive and active sport use year round.
How does Salisbury Water operate?
The Salisbury Water team is a separate business unit of the City of Salisbury. The Salisbury Water business unit is an innovative and reliable water service provider that supports Council’s initiatives to deliver economic, environmental and social benefits to the community.
Salisbury Water is governed by the Salisbury Water Management Board (SWMB), includes external independent leading water/industry experts and senior Council members. The SWMB is chaired by an independent external member. The SWMB considers and provides council to the City of Salisbury’s Chief Executive Officer on matters brought forward for input including:
- Strategic direction
- Legal and regulatory environment and government policy
- Community issues
- Risk management
- Major capital investment
- Performance against targets and objectives
- Development and monitoring of relevant policies
- Reporting and accountability to the Council

The Essential Services Commission (ESCOSA) issued the City of Salisbury a South Australian Water Industry Licence – Minor Retailer on 18 January 2013 allowing Council to retail water to residents and business. This licence was reissued on the 22 April 2015 changing the City of Salisbury to an Intermediate water retailer.