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Services Starting Business Advice Networking Polaris

Business Advice and Networking

The Polaris Business and Innovation Centre is the hub for business support and economic growth in northern Adelaide. The Polaris Centre offers an advisory and support service to start-up and established businesses.

Established in 2001, The Polaris Centre has provided information and advice to thousands of businesses. The workshops, advisory sessions, mentoring and digital programs delivered are currently funded by the City of Salisbury.

Business Advisory Service

Sometimes what you really need is good advice from a ‘real’ person. The Polaris Centre provides a free business advisory service for people in all stages of business from starting up and growing to innovating, exporting and exiting. Bounce your ideas off our qualified business advisors in a one-on-one session and get advice on the issues affecting your business.

Call our advisory service on 08 8260 8205 or make an appointment for a face-to-face chat with a business advisor. More information

Networking Events

The Polaris Centre holds regular networking events:

Polaris Wednesday Wind Downs

These events are themed events where business panellists (usually Polaris Centre clients) are interviewed by a Polaris Centre staff member. Themes so far have included “Back from the Brink”, where two businesses had come back from near closure, and “Pitfalls of Partnerships” where two businesses gave tips on how they made life and business partnerships work. Contact the Polaris Centre to receive updates.

Business Women’s Network

Northern Adelaide’s premier event for business women: Our Business Women’s Network (BWN) was formed in 2007 after extensive research into the needs of women in business.
BWN events are held every quarter and provide an invaluable opportunity to meet new people, increase your business and brand exposure and gain insight into other businesses.

Hear about future events

If you want to be kept informed of these networking opportunities, please register for the Polaris Centre mailing list, follow us on Facebook or call us on 8260 8205.

Other northern Adelaide business networking events and organisations

The Polaris Centre team are regular attendees and supporters of business networking events conducted by such groups as:

Northern Business Breakfast

Northern Business Breakfasts are held on a monthly basis and are organised as a joint venture between the Rotary Club of Salisbury and the Rotary Club of Elizabeth. Follow them on Facebook.

Salisbury Business Association

The Salisbury Business Association organises occasional networking events for its members in the Salisbury City Centre. Register for their newsletter.

Northern Economic Leaders

Northern Economic Leaders (NEL) is a business leaders’ network that is active in northern Adelaide. Subscribe to their newsletter.

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