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Services Vehicles Footpaths Verge FAQ

Footpaths and Verges

The City of Salisbury takes great pride in making our community a pleasing and attractive place to live. This information is provided to assist you with identifying issues and where to find assistance with looking after your street. By working together, we can help to keep our neighbourhoods safe and beautiful.

Residents are encouraged to develop and maintain the verge area (from property boundary to the kerb), however development works must adhere to Council's Verge Development Policy to ensure public safety.

It should be noted that where construction work is being undertaken on private property, the relevant property owner is responsible for all reinstatements of the footpath, kerbing and verge area.

Parking a car on a Council verge is an offence under Australian Road Rule 197.

To report an offence, please contact the Customer Centre on (08) 8406 8222 or email