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Services Vehicles Footpaths Verges Street 01

Verge Development by Residents

Many property owners prefer to manage the Council owned area in front of their residences to a different standard than the service level provided by the City of Salisbury. Primarily this is undertaken to enhance the visual appeal of the property by managing their front garden in continuity from their front door to the road or street.

The strip of Council owned land between the kerb and the property boundary is known as the ‘Verge’.

Verge developments permitted by the City of Salisbury are approved according to these guidelines, to ensure public safety. This includes safe pedestrian access for all members of the community and the maintenance of safe sight lines for traffic movement which enable property access.

Council will not subsidise or assist with the development of verges in any other form or manner.


  • Property owners may develop their verge areas, provided the type or form of development maintains the following;
  • Pedestrian access along the verge area in preference to walking on the roadway, regardless of whether a footpath has been constructed or not.
  • Traffic sight line distances
  • Service Authority and Council access for installation of new services and maintaining services.
  • Provision is made for Council Street Tree/s as per the City of Salisbury Streetscape Renewal Policy.

Where a property owner develops the verge, the responsibility for ongoing maintenance rests with the property owner. The development may be removed where adequate maintenance is not carried out (refer to the Verge Development Guidelines).

Verge treatments

The following verge treatments are PERMITTED, providing they are permeable to water and are suitable for safe pedestrian access;

  • Mulch
  • Rubble/gravel (not compacted)
  • Low plants (maximum 500mm height).
  • Permeable paving (to be constructed to Council’s standards and manufacturers specifications)
  • Synthetic turf (to manufacturer’s specifications and Council approval).
  • Turf (irrigated and unirrigated).

The following verge treatments are NOT PERMITTED, as they are not permeable to water and/or are not suitable for safe pedestrian access;

  • Raised edging or items which may obstruct pedestrian movement.
  • Plants that cannot be maintained to a maximum height of 500mm
  • Plants with spines and/or thorns.
  • Concrete and pavers (except for driveway crossovers and footpaths, where written approval is required).
  • Fully impervious membrane under mulch (such as black plastic). Weed matting that allows the exchange of air and water is a permitted treatment
  • Chemically sterilized treatments.

Procedure for written approval

Read through the Verge Development Policy and Guidelines. If further information is required please contact the Urban Built Assets team on 8406 8222.

  • Complete the attached Verge Development Application, ensuring that a sketch plan of the proposed development is attached.
  • Applications may only be submitted by Property Owners. Tenants wishing to develop the verge area are to consult with the property owner.
  • The application will be assessed taking into account the suitability and safety of the community.
  • Council will then approve the application in writing, notifying the applicant of any alterations that may be required. This documentation will be recorded for future reference.
  • Once the works are undertaken, the maintenance of the verge will be the sole responsibility of the property owner.
  • If the condition of the verge is altered in any way, other than the approved development, Council must be notified immediately.
  • Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with regard to the overall streetscape. In general, applications are approved within two weeks, depending on the current workload of staff.

Further information

For more information regarding verge development please read our Verge Development Guidelines or contact the Urban Built Assets team on 8406 8222.

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