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Services Waste Recycling Waste Bin Collection Schedule

Waste Collection Schedule

Waste collection is handled by NAWMA and is broken down into different collection cycles. Different council areas will have different bins collected on different days, as well as recycling and green waste.

  • red lidded general waste bin - collected weekly
  • yellow lidded recycling waste bin - collected bi-weekly
  • green lidded green waste bin - collected bi-weekly on alternate weeks to the yellow lidded bin

Public Holidays

Only New Year's Day, Good Friday and Christmas Day will impact bin collections. There are no collections on these days; therefore, collections move forward one day until the end of the affected week. Friday collections will move forward to Saturday.

When will my rubbish be collected?

There are a few options to find out when your waste bins will be collected, such as downloading apps that send you reminders.

Kerbside bin collection calendar

Visit the NAWMA website, where you can find out when your waste bins will be collected.

Please enter your street address into the search function which will show your next collection day. You can also download a PDF collection calendar.

'My Local Services' App

Download the free 'My Local Services' smart phone app which explains what day/date each bin goes out. You can even set a reminder for yourself to put the bin out on time. This app runs across Local Government in South Australia and offers many services, as well as bin collection dates.

The app can be downloaded on iPhone and Android. Search 'My Local Services' in the App Store or the Play Store.